But it is often misunderstood. We need to remember that resurrection is not merely the reversal of death; it is not resuscitation. Nor is it the release of the soul from the body. It is a recreation of the human person. Jesus was raised bodily but a unique body, recognizable but different (cf. John 20, 1 Corinthians 15).
One implication of this belief is the affirmation of creation. Too often, Christianity has implied that the body is a burden--creation, a mere shell. The essence of life is the soul or the spirit, many have taught. Christianity is more holistic than this. Matter matters to God. He created the world in love. He redeemed the world in love. The Bible doesn't say God so loved your soul but rather the world, cosmos in Greek, the original language of the New Testament (John 3.16). Nowhere is the affirmation of creation more pronounced than in the resurrection. The resurrection is the dawn of God's new creation. It's the down payment, the first installment (first fruit in Paul's writings) of many more to come. And this, of course, is connected to the redemption of all creation. Remember, Paul links these two concepts together in Romans 8, announcing that all of creation is waiting for our redemption.
How we live in light of this truth is really exciting. We don't have to pursue endless retreats in the recesses of the soul. Nor do we sit around and wait for heaven. Instead, we must affirm all that is an affirmation of life. That's why I always say, pursue truth, justice, goodness, and peace.
I need to say more . . . but my brain is fried . . . And I'm leaving for vacation now.