Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sacrificial Service

I'm still thinking about the last three sermons.  Each Sunday we looked at the three passion predictions in the Gospel of Mark (8:31-9:1; Mark 9:30-49; Mark 10:32-45.  Two brief thoughts:

First, I find it interesting that when the disciples remain clueless, Jesus calls them to embrace a practice.  Remember, there is a three-fold pattern in each passion prediction:  1) Jesus announces his impending suffering and death; 2) the disciples reveal their ignorance by rebuking Jesus or seeking status; 3) Jesus calls them to a practice (deny yourself/take up your cross, serve the weak, become a servant of all).  It's interesting.  Jesus doesn't offer another lesson.  Nor does he exegete more scripture.  Rather, he calls them to a practice that reflects the cross.  So perhaps the best way to understand the cross is put it into practice.  Try it on for size; then you'll understand God's love more fully and the way to true life.

Second, I can't get over the fact that Jesus calls us to live out the atonement.  As I tried to state last Sunday, the atonement is not merely a doctrine to be believed but a way of life.  In the last passion prediction, Jesus links his own explanation of atonement to the call for disciples to be servants.  Jesus came to serve and to give his life as a ransom, so we must be a servant community--a community that reflects God's atoning love in Christ.  We are to be caught up into God's love.  The logic is simple:  The cross reveals God's love; therefore, we should be a community of the cross, participating in his love.

I hope all of this makes some sense.  It's okay if it doesn't.  It's hard to take in.  I'm finally starting to get it.
