It seems to me there are some events of unspeakable horror that defy any reasonable explanation. Loss of loved ones, wars, starving children and victims of abuse all represent situations where it would be nearly impossible for me to state, "everything happens for a reason." We must not forget there is evil in this world. Creation is good but broken, and therefore, disorder (irrationality) will win some battles.
On the other hand, it there is a rational order to this universe that is moving all things toward victory. We might call this providence. We've all experienced God's guidance--a closed door that spared us some trouble or a frustrated plan that worked for our good. Goodness does follow us and lead us in ways that surprise us. Yet, we must be careful. Such a belief can't be embraced as a solvent to everything bad. It's not that easy.
Regardless, there is one truth we can affirm. We believe that God is working for our good. It doesn't mean that he is behind everything or is responsible for the evil we experience or even that everything happens for a reason. Rather we believe that God works in all situations for our good as he leads us home. Paul put it like this: "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." God isn't necessarily the direct cause of all things, but he works in all things. For that we can celebrate today!