Monday, August 11, 2008

God's Holy Love

Yesterday was judgment day. We talked about two judgment scenes in Revelation 19 and Revelation 20. The big point was that we serve a God of holy love. His love for this world is so great that judgment is a necessary prelude to the final redemption of this creation (cf. Rev. 19). I also stated this applies to our lives as well. In Revelation 20, we discover that we are judged too .

First, we’re judged on whether or not our names are written in the book of life. In other words, we’re judged on whether or not we’ve responded to the grace of God that has been revealed to us. God, in love, respects our freedom to respond; and he respects that freedom to the very end. Some refuse his grace, mostly out of arrogance, and they miss out on life with God, now and in the hereafter. Others respond and receive life, the abundant life.

Secondly, we’re judged by our deeds. Our lives are judged. I liken this to a purifying fire (cf. 1 Cor. 3). We’re destined for “goldness.” But we must be cleansed of our dross before we can live in the fullness of God’s light. This cleansing begins now; and if we refuse this cleansing, we might not be able to stand when heaven comes in its fullness. In fact, I want to believe the only healthy stance is to look forward to this final cleansing. And the only way we can look forward to it is if we’re not harboring any sin right now. If we’re glorifying God right now—which should be the desire of every Christian!—then we will look forward to our final and complete deliverance. If our desire is not to glorify God right now, then we probably have every reason to fear the accounting that waits for us.

Our response to all of this, therefore, is simple: walk in the light as he is in the light. I don’t want you to get busy first. Nor do I want you to live your life in an unhealthy fear--respect and reverence yes, but not an immobilizing fear (unless you’re deliberately living in sin). I want you to walk in the light, maintaining a right relationship with God. In so doing, you will let God lead you into the ways he wants you to bless others.

Now for statements that need to be clarified from last Sunday:

I said, “God doesn’t send people to hell, people choose hell.” What I’m trying to communicate is that people choose hell by refusing the love and light that is being revealed to them. God doesn’t arbitrarily decide to punish people. We can accept or reject his great love for us. Perhaps another way to state it is to say that those who don’t want God’s light and love will find heaven to be hell; it’ll hurt too much; they pull away and continue to prefer life without God. What do you think?

Second, I said, “Don’t decide to get busy in light of this sermon.” I believe that needs clarification. I don’t want you to start deciding that you need to accomplish something to impress God and to prepare for the future. Instead we need to let God into our lives and let him lead and then he’ll get us busy for his kingdom, more than likely doing his work right where we live. Do you understand the difference? One says, I need to do this, and it is done without God’s love. The other is more organic; it comes from the Spirit; it comes from his love. The Spirit will lead you into the right activity. As you walk in the light through church attendance, prayer, scripture reading, etc. etc., God will lead. I can’t set God’s agenda for you. My path is different than yours. You must let God lead as seek to make your life count. But please don’t waste your life, it’s too valuable. Let God take over. Surrender your life to him.


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