Granted, Jesus is not here, physically that is, calling us to leave our jobs and homes and follow him. Nonetheless, we still experience the call. And the call is somewhat basic to anything in life--whenever we find a treasure, we turn away from the familiar to embrace the new. When we fall in love, we break off old ties for this new person. When we find a new hobby, we renounce other potential distractions.
Similarly, in light of the good news, we turn away from the old. The old news is the typical narrative of self, sin, violence, and hopelessness--a world caught in a cycle from which it can't liberate itself. The new is what God has done and is doing through Jesus. It is Jesus who can lead us out of this mess to our true home. In light of such wonderful news, we renounce. We renounce the old, the familiar, and the comfortable for the new, the good, and the beautiful.
These fishermen who were called by Jesus unto his high calling for them, being eye witnesses of all the works of Jesus, being instructed by The Master in grace and truth. The context of being with him and hearing the very voice of The Word of God and witnessing all the miracles, even all the proofs of his resurrection...Find themselves, some days later, @ the sea of Tiberias (not being fishers of men or renouncing their former selves) but going back to what they 'knew in their own strength', almost as if their default address code hadn't been changed by The Lord yet; for we see in John 21:01 - to the end of the chapter a wonderful picture of how God overcomes our weakness, habits, ways, pride, by His Love, Provision, Intervention not only for our bodies but for our mind, soul, and spirit.
Pentecost was that Great Day when/where God Breathed New Life In Christ Address Identity Code for his children sealing them in His Spirit. The Power of God To Save and Keep his own.
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