We apply the same logic to the rightful use of our resources. We say, in so many words, what really matters is that you give your heart to Jesus and then you can do whatever you want to with your money and time.
I'm afraid such an approach leads too easily down the well-trodden path of self-deception. It's almost as if this language is a trump-card to avoid any call to obedience or any challenging conversation. To put it more forcefully, perhaps the church has reaped a harvest of souls, but we have not reaped many people who are willing to seek first the kingdom and restructure their lives in light of its coming.
Furthermore, the assumption that we can reduce everything to a personalized decision of what the heart is focussed upon misrepresents what Jesus taught. Jesus does not say, where your heart is there your treasure will be. Instead, he offers a more challenging statement: "Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also" (Matthew 6.21). Do you see the difference? The latter focusses upon something much more concrete. It forces to think about what we treasure more than anything else, what has captured our imagination, what's central in helping us make decisions. And part of Jesus' concern is money in this text. Just a few verses later, Jesus says, "You cannot serve both God and Money."
All of this leads me to a series of questions. How much influence does money have on our lives? Is that our true treasure? Is that what matters to us more than anything else? Can we look at our checkbooks and discern where our true treasure is? Or is that too simplistic? Those are great questions to ponder as we continue to reflect upon what it means to be disciples in God's coming kingdom.
Enjoyed the read - thank you :) Good use of the mixing up of treasure / heart - makes you think!
One of the poorest groups of people on the earth currently is in a West African country. The average annual income per person is the sum of what we as Americans spent for our Thanks Giving dinner! (under $30). How does one even begin to understand what giving can/could/would mean to these people? Our American culture typically gives out of our excess. Remember the widow whom Jesus said gave out of her need.
Yes, it's true. Poorer people are more prone to give sacrificially. We give for the tax benefits or we give, as you say, out of excess. It's very convicting when you stop to think about it. I like what C.S. Lewis says, it is not giving unless it costs the giver something. Now I must pray. Peace to all.
The last two days on planet Earth "the big news" has been how the US has played a magor roll monetizing, in a mysterious way, the debt of the world. Making "secure a recovery". Of course bailing out and giving billions, even trillions to the powerful and influential and elite among nations, banks, corporations, and institutions who are in lock step with mammonizm.
The rest of us surfs had no real say or influence to object or counter these actions already institutionalized. We, however, know that God The Lord of Hosts knows everything, and that this whole show will soon crash into jumbled X's and O's being deleted with the fire and heat (electromagnetic storm?) at His guaranteed Coming. In one hour the net worth of planet Earth and it's entities small and great will be worth ZERO, NADA, NOTHING.
The point being, that everything; our persons, our family, children, homes, vehicle(s), jobs, lack of jobs, earnings, valuables, collections of priceless things, etc. etc. belongs to Creator God not to mammon.
Remember reading about The Year Of Jubilee? God established for Israel a beautiful way for economic restoration of the people. That through His economic balancing plan (every 70th year), the monetizing of debt was from the bottom up....not the top down. Freeing, not enslaving The People. It is a sad condition when the kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord and His Anointed One by turning a deaf ear and not listening to how this problem could be solved with equity and truth.
BTW, How much is your wampum worth anyway?
Love Ya All
Sorry, Year of Jubilee is every 50th yr.
Wow! That is so awesome! Picture this...Our Loving God being involved so closely in our daily condition (all the days of our lives)...Mercifully keeping short accounting tabs (50 yrs) for RESTORING FREEING RESTING The People in THE ABUNDANCE OF HIS GRACE and PEACE and PLENTIFUL REDEMPTION! What a TREASURE we have in JESUS! Let's keep our hearts and minds and eyes and ears on HIM!
Jubilee is powerful concept to reflect upon.
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