Last week we talked a bit about the fifth commandment--"honor your father and mother." The command establishes a hierarchy for ancient Israel. It provides order; and it is the mechanism through the faith is passed on (working from the assumption that one generational is honorable, of course).
The command also invites us to consider others we are called to honor. Hebrews 13 instructs us to obey and submit to our spiritual leaders. 1 Peter calls us to honor the emperor and our masters, even when we are treated poorly.
I believe that all of this is a little troubling to our modern ears. We have been trained to believe that we should be free from all authority and tradition. No doubt, this modern movement has created much good in our world. There were beliefs that needed to be challenged, superstitions that needed to be set aside and corrupt leaders in need of correction. Yet, I fear we've taken all of this a little too.
Now, we believe that we can be our own authority in matters of faith and life. This is part of the struggle some have with church. They state, I don't want anyone telling me that there might be a better way to live or a better way to believe. I want to be free to forge my own path. I want to interpret the Bible on my own.
Again, this stance has its place in some circumstances. However, as a way of life, it is dangerous. When we are left to ourselves we become less than our true selves. As humans we are really good at self-deception. We can easily paint ourselves with the best colors, glossing over some of our deepest faults. Without the help of others guiding us, we can remain stuck in ways that hurt us and others. Furthermore, wisdom is usually passed down from one generation to the next.
Therefore my modest proposal is that we at start by listening well. Listen carefully to those who have gone before, to those who have lived the life well. Listen carefully to loving friends and faithful leaders.
Jesus says beware of how you listen: "Then pay attention to how you listen; for to those who have, more will be given; and from those who do not have, even what they seem to have will be taken away." The point is, those who lean in hungry to learn are those have and receive more; those who fold their arms, roll their eyes and shut their ears--either out of boredom or arrogance--are those who lose what they thought they had. One is blessed, the other is not.
Another way to put it is to say that if we truly want to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God's son, Jesus Christ, then we will be hungry--hungry to learn, hungry to listen and honor those who are truly honorable.
Let's listen well then, longing to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
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