As I continue to think about the cross, I've been reminded again that the cross reveals the very nature of God's love. The cross is not an aberration in the life of God. Rather the cross reveals the heart of God.
In the cross we see God's self-emptying, vulnerable love. As Paul states, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. God comes in Jesus and gives his life as a ransom for many. The world and it's selfish agenda rejects Jesus and puts him to death (1 Corinthians 1). The Spirit raises Jesus from the dead (Romans 1.1-4).
Yet, there is even more depth. God gives all things to Jesus. Jesus in turn gives his life as a living sacrifice to God, praying not my will but yours be done. He loves to the very end, serving others. (John 13)
A similar movement is found in 1 Corinthians 15.24-28. Jesus is proclaimed as Lord, God has put all things under his authority. Yet, Jesus gives all things back to God so that God might all in all.
What we see then is a mutuality in the very heart of God. God and Jesus giving and receiving, and the Spirit holding all together as the bond of love (Heb. 9.14).
To me the cross makes all of this plain. Christ is emptying himself, knowing that the Father has given him all things through the Spirit who rests on Jesus throughout the gospels and then raises him from the dead.
What this means is that our love, should be characterized by a similar mutuality. Our virtue should entail a giving and receiving, a vulnerability and a self-donation.
In other words, we are not made to be autonomous moral heroes who stand above the crowd. Rather we're called to be servants, who give without trying to control, win or profit.
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